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Adventure Time - Season 1
The first season of American animated television series Adventure Time, created by Pendleton Ward, originally aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. The series is based on a short produced for Frederator's Nicktoons Network animation incubator series Random! Cartoons. The season follows the adventures of Finn, a human boy, and his best friend Jake, a dog with magical powers to change shape and grow and shrink at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. Along the way, they interact with the other main characters of the show: Princess Bubblegum, The Ice King, and Marceline the Vampire Queen.
The first episode of the season, "Slumber Party Panic" was watched by 2.5 million viewers; this marked a dramatic increase in viewers watching Cartoon Network when compared to the previous year. The season ended with the finale "Gut Grinder" on September 27, 2010. Soon after airing, the show began to receive critical acclaim as well as a large fan following. In 2010, the Adventure Time episode "My Two Favorite People" was even nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Short-format Animated Program, although the series did not win.
After the original short became a viral hit on the internet, Cartoon Network picked it up for a full-length series that previewed on March 11, 2010, and officially premiered on April 5, 2010. The season was storyboarded and written by Adam Muto, Elizabeth Ito, Pendleton Ward, Sean Jimenez, Patrick McHale, Luther McLaurin, Armen Mirzaian, Kent Osborne, Pete Browngardt, Niki Yang, Armen Mirzaian, J. G. Quintel, Cole Sanchez, Tom Herpich, Bert Youn, and Ako Castuera while being produced by Cartoon Network Studios and Frederator Studios. Several compilation DVDs that contained episodes from the season were released after the season finished airing. On July 10, 2012, the full season was released on Region 1 DVD; a Blu-ray edition was released on June 4, 2013.
Adventure Time episodes from season 1:
- Adventure Time - Slumber Party Panic
- Adventure Time - Trouble in Lumpy Space
- Adventure Time - Prisoners of Love
- Adventure Time - Tree Trunks
- Adventure Time - The Enchiridion!
- Adventure Time - The Jiggler
- Adventure Time - Ricardio the Heart Guy
- Adventure Time - Business Time
- Adventure Time - My Two Favorite People
- Adventure Time - Memories of Boom Boom Mountain
- Adventure Time - Wizard
- Adventure Time - Evicted!
- Adventure Time - City of Thieves
- Adventure Time - The Witch's Garden
- Adventure Time - What is Life?
- Adventure Time - Ocean of Fear
- Adventure Time - When Wedding Bells Thaw
- Adventure Time - Dungeon
- Adventure Time - The Duke
- Adventure Time - Freak City
- Adventure Time - Donny
- Adventure Time - Henchman
- Adventure Time - Rainy Day Daydream
- Adventure Time - What Have You Done?
- Adventure Time - His Hero
- Adventure Time - Gut Grinder
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