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Adventure Time - Season 2
The second season of the American animated television series Adventure Time, created by Pendleton Ward, originally aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. The series is based on a short produced for Frederator's Nicktoons Network animation incubator series Random! Cartoons. The season debuted on October 11, 2010, and the season finale was aired on May 2, 2011. The season follows the adventures of Finn, a human boy, and his best friend Jake, a dog with magical powers to change shape and grow and shrink at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. Along the way, they interact with the other main characters of the show: Princess Bubblegum, The Ice King, and Marceline the Vampire Queen. The first episode of the season, "It Came from the Nightosphere" was watched by 2.001 million viewers; this marked a decrease in viewers watching Cartoon Network when compared to the previous season's debut, although it marked an increase when compared to the previous season's finale. The season ended with the episode "Heat Signature" on May 9, 2011. It was viewed by 1.975 million viewers, which marked an increase from the first season finale. The season was originally supposed to end with the cliffhanger two-parter "Mortal Folly"/"Mortal Recoil", but due to a scheduling error, "Heat Signature" was the last episode to air for the season. In 2011, Adventure Time was nominated for an Annie Award, and the episode "It Came from the Nightosphere" was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Short-format Animated Program. The series nor the episode won, however. After the success of the first, a second season of Adventure Time was quickly ordered. However, the beginning of the series debuted under production constraints and "It Came from the Nightosphere" aired after just barely being finished.
Adventure Time season 2 episodes list:
- Adventure Time - It Came from the Nightosphere
- Adventure Time - The Eyes
- Adventure Time - Loyalty to the King
- Adventure Time - Blood Under the Skin
- Adventure Time - Storytelling
- Adventure Time - Slow Love
- Adventure Time - Power Animal
- Adventure Time - Crystals Have Power
- Adventure Time - The Other Tarts
- Adventure Time - To Cut a Woman's Hair
- Adventure Time - The Chamber of Frozen Blades
- Adventure Time - Her Parents
- Adventure Time - The Pods
- Adventure Time - The Silent King
- Adventure Time - The Real You
- Adventure Time - Guardians of Sunshine
- Adventure Time - Death in Bloom
- Adventure Time - Susan Strong
- Adventure Time - Mystery Train
- Adventure Time - Go with Me
- Adventure Time - Belly of the Beast
- Adventure Time - The Limit
- Adventure Time - Video Makers
- Adventure Time - Mortal Folly
- Adventure Time - Mortal Recoil
- Adventure Time - Heat Signature
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