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Adventure Time - Season 6 - Episode 1
Adventure Time - Season 6 - Episode 1
Adventure Time - Wake Up
Adventure Time - Wake Up is the 1st episode of Adventure Time season 6.
In this Adventure Time episode, Jake is partying with Prismo. At the party, Peppermint Butler and Death note that the Lich is sitting ominously in the corner. Prismo explains that, after the events of an earlier episode, the Lich, an entity driven by the pursuit of causing mass death, is now harmless, functioning like a machine without a purpose. Later, Finn confronts Jake about the revelation that his father is still alive. Jake convinces him to ask Prismo to send them to the Citadel. Prismo explains that the only way to gain access to the Citadel is to commit a cosmic crime; he instructs Finn and Jake to find and wake a certain old man who is asleep in the debris surrounding his Time Room.
It is revealed that this man is the actual, corporeal Prismo, and the version Finn and Jake are familiar with is merely a dream. Prismo explains that killing a wishmaster—as in, waking up the man—is a cosmic crime, but that he will return when his corporal body falls back asleep. At that instant, the Lich springs into action, physically waking and destroying Prismo, killing him. Suddenly, interdimensional beings arrive and begin taking the Lich to the Citadel, to which Finn and Jake give chase.
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